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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Part Five; "Tonight I'm dreaming of all the things that we've been through.."

Tuesday July 10th

Ring ring, I picked up, and it was my cousin 7e9ouh..

"Halaww, agoul feech 6al3a?" She said.

"Chenich Tegrain afkarii, 7ada '9ayeg khelgii." I said.

"Khala9 okay, Mureena ana w jassoum @ 5pm w enrou7 The avenues, cos 7ata ohwa weda ye6la3."

"Okay, see you" i said and closed the phone.

Jassoum kubri, 7e9ouh akbar mini eb 2 years.

Tuesday July 10th
My car.

I wore Black skinny jeans and "little miss chatterbox" T-shirt. i had my hair down, it's wavy and it's messy.

Just picked up Jasson and 7e9ouh w on our way to the avenues we were talking and catching up.

Tue. July 10th

We were sitting talking and having fun. 7e9ouh excused herself to go to the bathroom, so me and jasson were sitting alone talking and laughing and yet again fate had to bring him to me, Yousif was walking by and he saw me sitting with jassoum and he just stood there shocked.
i was staring at him too, which made jassoum egouli "Hey, Deema, waiin we9altay?! ga3id a7acheech!" chan agoula "Sorryy."

He kept standing there looking at me, and just..looking.
The way he was staring at me with no emotions in his face broke my heart to pieces, i had an idea, i excused myself to goto the bathroom too. I stood up and walked w he followed me, i wanted him to follow me, i wanted to explain! i walked in river island, we he walked in behind me.

"It's not what you think!" i said.

No reply, he just kept staring at me.

"Yousif?" I said.

"awal mara a7es ena esmi 7eloo..." he said.

"hehe,enzain, la erou7 balik eb3eed hatha weld 3amiti bs, w ma3ah ekhta bs ra7at el7amam" i tried to explain.

"Ok.." he said while staring in a weird way.

"Stop staring..!" i said.

"Mo eb eedee wallah!" He said with the most gorgeous smile across his face.

i giggled and walked away. he followed.

I went back to jasson and 7e9ouh was back already, we stayed there for a couple of minutes more then we decided to go and eat early dinner at Alferno. The night was fun. Ofcourse Yousif decided to eat at Alferno too. He was staring at me way too much, Jasson sensed something.

"hatha shfeeh ekhiz wayid!?" Jassom said.

"I don't know, kaifa khala." i said nervously..

We left Alferno. and head home.

Wednesday July 11th
My bedroom

Before i sleep i was thinking how he didn't ask me why i didn't call or why i didn't send him a msg, since i have his number. i thought that was really sweet of him that he's giving me my own space and time to think.

Wednesday July 11th
My bedroom

I called D, no answer, i called again, still no answer, i left her a voice message,
"Ya shagoul, goumaay!! we're going to the univ!!, REMEMBER!!!? goumay goumay!!yallaaaaaa!!!!" I thought of annoying her a bit.

I changed into short jeans and Lacoste red polo shirt, and got in my car.

Wednesday July 11th
My car
Outside D's house

She got in & gave me a hug.

Wednesday July 11th
My car

bl6ereeej ga3da agoulaha elsalfa elly ams, chan et9arikh! "OMG OMG OMG!!! Ya bgara laish tawich etgouleenli!!!! OMG Deems!!! awwwh!" Chan agoulaha "Entay meta sheftich 3shan agoulich! bs waay D kesar kha6rii 7ada lama tana7 shafni ga3da ma3a jassoum,chithi laish gmt!" chan etgouli "Yousef & Deema sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" chan a6egha w agoulaha "CHUB!" Chan a3er blghala6 3l sayara elly yamnii, wela 9baaay shefnah bljam3a 3nd eltasjeel,chan ebser3a adous, w madri laish bs ga3adt a'97aak, chan edous ohwa b3d, 3ala bala dash racing! chan akhafif, w ohwa hm khafaf, w ga3id e2asher w 7ala w e7na 7agreena, ml chan yamshii, a7saan ma bagha!

We decided to go to the cinema, so we went to Laila And reserved 2 seats in list "g" the movie starts @ 5PM "Get smart"

Wed. july 11th
Laila Cinema

2 guys walked in w g3adaw yamna, ana shefta chan agoul YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! It's YOUSEF!!! ana ebser3a lfait wayhi chan agoul to D "omg look who's next to us!" ohwa ma shafni ashwa, his friend ga3id yami w ohwa yama, chan etgoul D "7elfaay DEEMS?!" eb 9out 3ali el7mara 3shan yesma3, chan e6il w ana lfait wayhii 3ala D, w geltlaha "HAYEN!!!" chan egoul 7g refeejah, "Badil el amaakin,plz" chan yeg3ad yami, my heart was racing soo fast, i was scared,nervous and....i dont know.
w ohwa bs ga3id w e6ali3ni, chan egoul "Deema,,?" w ana lail7een lafa wayhi 3la D, chan egoul "Shda3wa,lefay wayhich!" Chan agoula "Hala, sh'hal 9edfaa?" and let out a nervous laugh, chan egoul "ee wallah a7la 9edfa!" Chan yabdi elfilm; da3ayat, chan egouli "yalla shh, beda elfilm." w '9a7ak.

lfait wayhii. elmovie kan 7ada 3jeeb, '9a7akt '9e7ek! w lama khala9 gmt ana w D ohwa lail7een ga3id,chan agoula "Law sama7t" Chan egoul "Oh,oh sorry" wakhar his legs w gal "muraay." Chan agoul "mashkour!" Chan alif w agoul 7g D "emshay ne6la3 elside elthani" chan egoul "la khala9 walla sorry, al7een Agoum" Chan adiz D ya3ni yalla emshay w re7t the other side 3naad!

Chan yarki'9 elside elthani w yan6ernii, chan egoul "yalla muraay" chan a6al3a w amshee. w ebser3a 6ala3t w rekabt el car.
chan D etgoul "waaaay deema 7ada ZouQa!!" Chan agoulaha "Uff ghathnii!" chan etgoul "ohwa ga3id yet7arash in a cute way, walla ya7lailah!" Chan agoulaha "Whatever." chan amshii,

w e7na wagfeen bleshara, wela fii wa7id wagif yam our car ga3id yet7arash ya3ni jedama mako cars bs ihwa wagif 7agna, w kan warah Yousif chan eba6il el3ali w e6eg hernaaat 3shan yamshi, cos e7taar! w elly jedama 3nad ma mesha, chan agoul 7g D,"ambay akhaf esawii shay!?" chan etgoul "La shda3wa al7een et9eer eleshara green." w lail7een e6eg hernat w emba6il el3ali, 9arat kha'9ra w meshait w hathak lail7een la7egna,Yousif 7ada em3a9ib gam ebatwin w edous bs 3shan ohwa e9eer yamii mo the other guy, w la7agna as usual lai elbait, D yat baiti betnam 3indii. elmohim nezalt chan amshee lai his car, ohwa estaghrab w kayaf b3d, chan yanzil, chan a6ega 3ala ghashmara eb shatfa w agoula "Dont ever do that again!" chan egoul "Laish!? ma ar'9a a7ad thani yet7arash feech!!" chan agoula "Okay, bs mo chithi et9eer maynoon w etdous!" Chan egoul "La7tha la7tha, kheftay 3alaay!!?" Chan agoula "ha,, laa2, bs zain ma9ar feek shay!!" chan egouli "b3d 3umri.." chan agoula "Red elbait w ya wailek etha dest!" Chan amshii chan egoul "Fdaiitech!" Chan adish elbait ana w D w re7na my room.



Anonymous said...

inzain oo ma5ftay a7ad mim baitkom eshoofich wala jaree2a!!! ana loo sheno masaweeha...

Bella-S said...

No one was home.
Plus, I don't know what's gotten into me...! ;$

Anonymous said...

so sweeeeeeeeet ;*
but is it real ?

Bella-S said...

Yes but its fabricated. ;p